Arlette Román Almánzar, J.D., MPP
Policy Advisor for the Inclusion of Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights
"My role is to centralize vulnerable populations in AI risk mitigation, include different perspectives, and identify specific risks and opportunities in the Latin American region."
Arlette Danielle R. Almánzar is a lawyer graduated from the Universidad Iberoamericana in 2012, with a master's degree in Public Policy from the University of Bristol, England and a Political Consultant on gender mainstreaming in Germany. She is a PhD student in the 'Business Ethics and Leadership' program addressing the issue of inclusion, human rights and artificial intelligence at the University of Mannheim, Germany in cooperation with the Wittenberg Zentrum für Globale Ethik and a grant from the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS ).
Fluent in Spanish, English and German, she shared her research on gender inequality and poverty as a speaker at the RSEP International Social Sciences Conference held at the University of Washington in Rome, Italy and the conference on Gender Inequity and COVID-19 for the Ministry of Foreign Relations of the Federal Republic of Germany through cooperation with Latin America 'UNIDAS'.
In addition, she was selected as a speaker on the topic "Artificial Intelligence and Inclusion in the Latin American Context: Human Rights Perspective" at the 2020 International Young Leaders Summit in collaboration with the Government of Puerto Rico, the IDB (Inter-American Development Bank) , the OAS (Organization of American States) among others. Recently, the "Business and Society" Conference organized by the University of Brussels accepted her essay and presentation on "Historical Bias: Exploring Structural Inequity Reproduced by Artificial Intelligence".
She is the founder and former President of the International Law Students Association chapter UNIBE and Woman Up, Mate in 2014 and was the 2017/18 president of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Shapers initiative. She currently assists Daimler in public policy consulting.

María Caterina Cantisano
Marketing & Communications Manager
"I work to connect the new technologies with the cultural tendencies of the new generations and thus be able to articulate a new common sense adapted to the XXI century."
María Caterina is a recent graduate in Communication: Film and Media Arts and Marketing from American University. Her creativity and her interest in combining technology and her career led her to pursue continuous studies in big data and artificial intelligence. Additionally, her interest in exponential technologies complements her entrepreneurial skills and sets her apart in her profession.ión.
She has developed analytical, creative and managerial skills as he has had the opportunity to work closely on communication and marketing strategies for companies such as CommCore Consulting Group, MuchObliged Tv and Marvel.

Bertha Santoscoy, Ph.D.
International Legislative Adviser
"I maintain that in the era of artificial intelligence the importance of education lies in making it accessible to the entire population, adapting it to new technologies ..."
For almost 30 years, Dr. Santoscoy represented the OAS (Organization of American States) in Latin America and the Caribbean, in various capacities. Most recently as Senior Advisor on Political Affairs and Human Rights, and previously as Ambassador to Peru, the Dominican Republic and Haiti.
He has extensive experience in establishing relationships with senior government authorities, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and civil society. Dr. Santoscoy has lectured on democracy and electoral issues, including "The Role of Women in Elections" and "The Role of the OAS in Electoral Affairs," as well as being a world-renowned speaker on human rights.
He has a PhD in International Law and Political Science from the University of Geneva in Switzerland. She currently serves as a legal advisor on human rights issues.

Asunción Sanz
Washington, D.C. Director
"My purpose is to develop multilateral relationships that ensure a fair and competitive regional ecosystem .."
Asunción Sanz has more than twenty years of experience in public affairs and development in Europe, the United States, Latin America and Africa. She has worked in the public and private sector with world leaders and decision makers in education, environmental issues, technology, development, institutional relations, and public-private partnerships. Her extensive experience with nonprofit and fundraising organizations includes different projects on behalf of USAID, international organizations in the Western Hemisphere, and private foundations.
She Managed GFDD (US-based foundation) for the president of the Dominican Republic. Also, Ms. Sanz opened a Catalan cultural center in the heart of Madrid, which resulted in a better mutual understanding between the Catalan autonomous community and the central government of Spain. She guided South African grassroots organizations and local NGOs and other international contractors to work in harmony with USAID. She successfully shifted the skeptical Spanish-language national television channel to the US into a new professional relationship, leading to more balanced media coverage of the US; and created, developed and implemented an environmental film festival to spread environmental awareness among marginalized youth, academics, experts and activists in the Dominican Republic, as well as an international film festival.
Fluent in five languages, she has a degree in Translation and Interpreting from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and has advanced training in public affairs and international relations, legal issues and intercultural understanding.

Ing. Susan Verdiguel Anzures
Responsible Artificial Intelligence Advisor
"My mission is to raise awareness and lead the dialogue on artificial intelligence as a tool for social good and in making sensible, collective, and informed decisions; in a responsible manner."
With over half a decade of leadership in initiatives on the impact of the development of emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and its responsible, inclusive and human-centered construction for Mexico and the region, Susan has vast knowledge about diversity in technologies, inclusiveness of gender and other issues related to fair and equitable implementation process and resources research.
Susan is the leader of the Community of Women in Artificial Intelligence in Mexico, with the mission of closing the gender gap, through the promotion of knowledge, and the contribution to the development of STEM skills in women in Mexico and Latin America. She is also an Ambassador of Women in AI and an Industrial Engineer graduated from the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico.
With a global community of +8,000 members from more than 130 countries, it advises and investigates urgent issues in the development, implementation and governance of expert systems and machine learning for Latin America.
He is part of the founding team of Quattrocero, a Boston Startup that focuses on Industry 4.0 and the Future of Jobs and an enthusiast of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, to name a few; so it has gained global reach.

Patrick McCullough
Director of Communications & Content
"I want to defend creativity as a vital human intelligence of the future."
Over the past decade, Patrick has trained 1,000 global entrepreneurs to introduce their exponential startups to investors, partners, sponsors, and clients, through his work at Singularity University in Silicon Valley.
This is where he met Jean and Felipe, the co-founders of GENIA. Patrick has gone on to consult the teams of CEOs and senior executives of large multinationals in Europe, including GE, Tungsram and Galp, on their innovation strategies.
He is a multi-award winning filmmaker and has produced four feature films and created several educational films that help children cope with traumatic situations. With an extensive career, he is a sought-after presentation coach for top accelerators and graduated from Marist College with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication. Patrick is here to remind artificial intelligence that humans are people too.

Jean García Periche
Governments Director
"My mission is to create new systems that can transform people's lives through integration and innovation for the common good."
Co-founder and Director of Governments of GENIA Latin America. Jean is a Political Scientist and Economist, with specialized studies in Anthropology, Public Administration, Exponential Technologies, Diplomacy and Complexity Sciences. He is a member of Singularity University at NASA in Silicon Valley, where he became convinced of the need to include Latin America and the Caribbean in the global development of the new industrial revolution.
Jean is an Advisor to senior public sector officials, conducting strategic foresight and anticipation for Ambassadors and Ministers of State. He is a Professor of the chair "Diplomacy 4.0", a branch that seeks to connect international relations with the new digital economy. He is the AI Policy Affiliate of The Future Society organization, where he works with a wide network of global specialists in the development of Artificial Intelligence Policies and special projects for numerous countries and governments around the world.
He is the founder of the Center for Political Innovation (CIP), working for the development of Smart and inclusive Cities through the training of a new generation of municipal leaders. Similarly, he founded Global Neo, an organization with the mission of developing new governance models that can scale exponentially. Previously, he worked as Strategic Director and Movement Builder of CULTU.RE, a pioneer company in global governance based on Blockchain, through the development of a decentralized framework of “self sovereign identities” and crypto-economy models, focused on smart contracts. and tokenized universal basic income.

Felipe Castro Quiles, MBA
"My goal is to promote technological equity and innovation in the search for true equality..."
Felipe, our co-founder and chief executive officer, has developed several international businesses and has led startups with global reach for more than a decade.
He specialized in Deep Learning and Virtual Education after leaving his PhD studies at the University of Liverpool, and from his MBA perspective, he developed business strategies that link his passion for fairness in education, international trade and artificial intelligence.
He has been admitted and participated in prestigious business development programs such as 1776 Incubator, NYU Steinhardt StartED, Singularity University at NASA, NVIDIA AI Inception and HyperAccelerator, among others. His ideas, strategies and models have achieved international recognition and have twice led him to be named 'Top 30' by the Silicon Valley Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum (SVIEF). Felipe maintains that true equality means enjoying the same freedoms and these are only achieved by acting and thinking in accordance with the will and inclusion of all the groups that make up our society.

Ignasi Costas, J.D., CEFA
Legal Adviser
"I seek to contribute my legal experience in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship in order to facilitate the creation of ecosystems that promote the promotion of initiatives based on the knowledge economy."
Almost twenty years ago, Ignasi founded RCD - Rousaud Costas Duran (now DWF-RCD), a multidisciplinary law firm made up of more than 300 professionals and with offices in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia. He is Managing Partner for Europe, the Middle East and Latin America and a member of the global Executive Committee of DWF and responsible for different areas of management at DWF-RCD.
Likewise, he leads the Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (a pioneering initiative in Spain and a reference at a domestic and international level), which encompasses the practices of entrepreneurial initiative, technology transfer, Venture Capital and internationalization of companies. He has extensive experience in providing legal advice to projects arising from the knowledge economy and is a member of the board of directors of Barcelona Tech City.
Ignasi, a CodeX fellow at the Stanford Center for Legal Informatics, is a board member of the Harvard Law School Center on the Legal Profession, a group of experts that addresses key challenges facing the legal sector, such as globalization, diversity, and legal education. He is the first Spanish lawyer invited to be part of the CLP and the only one in Spain who belongs to it.
He has taught at various universities and in 2012 was elected visiting scholar by the Columbia University School of Law. As a member of university research groups, he has published numerous legal articles in his areas of expertise. Since 2013, he has taught the International Business Law subject of the IESE MBA program.
Creating a regional ecosystem to include Latin America in the global development of artificial intelligence requires a unique set of capabilities, and that is GENIA.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step; gather a great team, with an idea...
"Our partnership with GENIA is especially exciting for me because I am aware of the great talent in artificial intelligence that exists in the region… Singularity Studio and GENIA, working together, will close this gap for the benefit of all." – Dr. Ben Goertzel, Sophia the Robot Chief Engineer & Programmer and father of A.G.I.
"When it comes to artificial intelligence, GENIA is the benchmark company in Latin America. Without a doubt, the partnership between Intermestic Partners and GENIA Latin America will maximize impact across regional borders and ensure the competitiveness of our industries, the productivity of our organizations, and the creation of wealth for our people." - Sergio Chávez Moreno, J.D., LL.M. - Intermestic Partners Executive Director
"We are excited to partner with GENIA in Latin America to accelerate the development of more Artificial Intelligence (AI) talent and proprietary technology. Our decentralized enterprise AI ecosystem will grow from this partnership…" - Bill Inman, Venture Capital for Exponential Technologies Expert
The expert team of our public benefit corporation works together to ensure the regional development and implementation of artificial intelligence strategies and solutions through an international network of artificial intelligence research and development laboratories. Through the formulation of government policies, the international stimulation of local entrepreneurship, and the training of leaders to successfully face Industry 4.0, in addition to the challenges and opportunities that this paradigm brings, our team fuses data, public policy, entrepreneurship, science and diplomacy among other disciplines, to ensure the space of our peoples in the new era of human history. We have already taken course ...
*See full biography by clicking on the image

Felipe Castro Quiles
Felipe Castro Quiles, MBA
"My goal is to promote technological equity and innovation in the search for true equality..."
Felipe, our co-founder and chief executive officer, has developed several international businesses and has led startups with global reach for more than a decade.
He specialized in Deep Learning and Virtual Education after leaving his PhD studies at the University of Liverpool, and from his MBA perspective, he developed business strategies that link his passion for fairness in education, international trade and artificial intelligence.
Throughout his professional career, Felipe has served on various Boards of Directors, including the Forbes Artificial Intelligence Executive Board and the Consultative Committee of the Global Virtual Educa Congress for the creation of educational ecosystems in the digital age.
He has been admitted and participated in prestigious business development programs such as 1776 Incubator, NYU Steinhardt StartED, Singularity University at NASA, NVIDIA AI Inception and HyperAccelerator, among others. His ideas, strategies and models have achieved international recognition and have twice led him to be named 'Top 30' by the Silicon Valley Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum (SVIEF). Felipe maintains that true equality means enjoying the same freedoms and these are only achieved by acting and thinking in accordance with the will and inclusion of all the groups that make up our society.

Asunción Sanz
D.C. Director
Asunción Sanz
Washington, D.C. Director
"My purpose is to develop multilateral relationships that ensure a fair and competitive regional ecosystem .."
Asunción Sanz has more than twenty years of experience in public affairs and development in Europe, the United States, Latin America and Africa. She has worked in the public and private sector with world leaders and decision makers in education, environmental issues, technology, development, institutional relations, and public-private partnerships. Her extensive experience with nonprofit and fundraising organizations includes different projects on behalf of USAID, international organizations in the Western Hemisphere, and private foundations.
She Managed GFDD (US-based foundation) for the president of the Dominican Republic. Also, Ms. Sanz opened a Catalan cultural center in the heart of Madrid, which resulted in a better mutual understanding between the Catalan autonomous community and the central government of Spain. She guided South African grassroots organizations and local NGOs and other international contractors to work in harmony with USAID. She successfully shifted the skeptical Spanish-language national television channel to the US into a new professional relationship, leading to more balanced media coverage of the US; and created, developed and implemented an environmental film festival to spread environmental awareness among marginalized youth, academics, experts and activists in the Dominican Republic, as well as an international film festival.
Fluent in five languages, she has a degree in Translation and Interpreting from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and has advanced training in public affairs and international relations, legal issues and intercultural understanding.

Jean García Periche
Governments Director
Jean García Periche
Governments Director
“My mission is to create new systems that can transform people's lives through integration and innovation for the common good."
Co-founder and Director of Governments of GENIA Latin America. Jean is a Political Scientist and Economist, with specialized studies in Anthropology, Public Administration, Exponential Technologies, Diplomacy and Complexity Sciences. He is a member of Singularity University at NASA in Silicon Valley, where he became convinced of the need to include Latin America and the Caribbean in the global development of the new industrial revolution.
Jean is an Advisor to senior public sector officials, conducting strategic foresight and anticipation for Ambassadors and Ministers of State. He is a Professor of the chair "Diplomacy 4.0", a branch that seeks to connect international relations with the new digital economy. He is the AI Policy Affiliate of The Future Society organization, where he works with a wide network of global specialists in the development of Artificial Intelligence Policies and special projects for numerous countries and governments around the world.
He is the founder of the Center for Political Innovation (CIP), working for the development of Smart and inclusive Cities through the training of a new generation of municipal leaders. Similarly, he founded Global Neo, an organization with the mission of developing new governance models that can scale exponentially. Previously, he worked as Strategic Director and Movement Builder of CULTU.RE, a pioneer company in global governance based on Blockchain, through the development of a decentralized framework of “self sovereign identities” and crypto-economy models, focused on smart contracts. and tokenized universal basic income.

María Caterina Cantisano
Marketing Manager
María Caterina Cantisano
Marketing Manager
"I work to connect the new technologies with the cultural tendencies of the new generations and thus be able to articulate a new common sense adapted to the XXI century."
María Caterina is a recent graduate in Communication: Film and Media Arts and Marketing from American University. Her creativity and her interest in combining technology and her career led her to pursue continuous studies in big data and artificial intelligence. Additionally, her interest in exponential technologies complements her entrepreneurial skills and sets her apart in her profession.ión.
She has developed analytical, creative and managerial skills as he has had the opportunity to work closely on communication and marketing strategies for companies such as CommCore Consulting Group, MuchObliged Tv and Marvel.

Arlette Román Almánzar
Inclusion Policy Adviser
Arlette D. Román Almánzar, J.D., MPP
Policy Advisor for the Inclusion of Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights
"My role is to centralize vulnerable populations in AI risk mitigation, include different perspectives, and identify specific risks and opportunities in the Latin American region."
Arlette Danielle R. Almánzar is a lawyer graduated from the Universidad Iberoamericana in 2012, with a master's degree in Public Policy from the University of Bristol, England and a Political Consultant on gender mainstreaming in Germany. She is a PhD student in the 'Business Ethics and Leadership' program addressing the issue of inclusion, human rights and artificial intelligence at the University of Mannheim, Germany in cooperation with the Wittenberg Zentrum für Globale Ethik and a grant from the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS ).
Fluent in Spanish, English and German, she shared her research on gender inequality and poverty as a speaker at the RSEP International Social Sciences Conference held at the University of Washington in Rome, Italy and the conference on Gender Inequity and COVID-19 for the Ministry of Foreign Relations of the Federal Republic of Germany through cooperation with Latin America 'UNIDAS'.
In addition, she was selected as a speaker on the topic "Artificial Intelligence and Inclusion in the Latin American Context: Human Rights Perspective" at the 2020 International Young Leaders Summit in collaboration with the Government of Puerto Rico, the IDB (Inter-American Development Bank) , the OAS (Organization of American States) among others. Recently, the "Business and Society" Conference organized by the University of Brussels accepted her essay and presentation on "Historical Bias: Exploring Structural Inequity Reproduced by Artificial Intelligence".
She is the founder and former President of the International Law Students Association chapter UNIBE and Woman Up, Mate in 2014 and was the 2017/18 president of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Shapers initiative. She currently assists Daimler in public policy consulting.

Ignasi Costas
Legal Adviser
Ignasi Costas, J.D., CEFA
Legal Adviser
"I seek to contribute my legal experience in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship in order to facilitate the creation of ecosystems that promote the promotion of initiatives based on the knowledge economy."
Almost twenty years ago, Ignasi founded RCD - Rousaud Costas Duran (now DWF-RCD), a multidisciplinary law firm made up of more than 300 professionals and with offices in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia. He is Managing Partner for Europe, the Middle East and Latin America and a member of the global Executive Committee of DWF and responsible for different areas of management at DWF-RCD.
Likewise, he leads the Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (a pioneering initiative in Spain and a reference at a domestic and international level), which encompasses the practices of entrepreneurial initiative, technology transfer, Venture Capital and internationalization of companies. He has extensive experience in providing legal advice to projects arising from the knowledge economy and is a member of the board of directors of Barcelona Tech City.
Ignasi, a CodeX fellow at the Stanford Center for Legal Informatics, is a board member of the Harvard Law School Center on the Legal Profession, a group of experts that addresses key challenges facing the legal sector, such as globalization, diversity, and legal education. He is the first Spanish lawyer invited to be part of the CLP and the only one in Spain who belongs to it.
He has taught at various universities and in 2012 was elected visiting scholar by the Columbia University School of Law. As a member of university research groups, he has published numerous legal articles in his areas of expertise. Since 2013, he has taught the International Business Law subject of the IESE MBA program.

Dra. Bertha Santoscoy
Intl. Legislation Adviser
Dr. Bertha Santoscoy
International Legislative Adviser
"I maintain that in the era of artificial intelligence the importance of education lies in making it accessible to the entire population, adapting it to new technologies ..."
For almost 30 years, Dr. Santoscoy represented the OAS (Organization of American States) in Latin America and the Caribbean, in various capacities. Most recently as Senior Advisor on Political Affairs and Human Rights, and previously as Ambassador to Peru, the Dominican Republic and Haiti.
He has extensive experience in establishing relationships with senior government authorities, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and civil society. Dr. Santoscoy has lectured on democracy and electoral issues, including "The Role of Women in Elections" and "The Role of the OAS in Electoral Affairs," as well as being a world-renowned speaker on human rights.
He has a PhD in International Law and Political Science from the University of Geneva in Switzerland. She currently serves as a legal advisor on human rights issues.

Patrick McCullough
Communications Director
Patrick McCullough
Communications & Content Director
"I want to defend creativity as a vital human intelligence of the future."
Over the past decade, Patrick has trained 1,000 global entrepreneurs to introduce their exponential startups to investors, partners, sponsors, and clients, through his work at Singularity University in Silicon Valley.
This is where he met Jean and Felipe, the co-founders of GENIA. Patrick has gone on to consult the teams of CEOs and senior executives of large multinationals in Europe, including GE, Tungsram and Galp, on their innovation strategies.
He is a multi-award winning filmmaker and has produced four feature films and created several educational films that help children cope with traumatic situations. With an extensive career, he is a sought-after presentation coach for top accelerators and graduated from Marist College with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication. Patrick is here to remind artificial intelligence that humans are people too.